Shipping & Returns

Shipping Domestic

Most of my items can be shipped anywhere in the US. However, in cases of protected animals it may be necessary to check your state laws regarding certain parts.

For instance, wolf parts cannot be shipped to California, and the bones/skins of lions and tigers cannot leave their state of origin. The state of Nebraska restricts the sale of bear parts within state lines.

Here is a great resource for US collectors for both CITES and the Migratory Bird Act. Fines for infringements can be steep, and neither of us want to deal with that :)

Shipping International

I do not have an export license, which means I cannot ship animal skulls out of the country UNLESS they are parts of domesticated animals such as cows and goats.

Other pieces such as resin casts and non-bone carvings can be shipped abroad with no issue. I am working to find a way to make my carvings a little more accessible to my international friends!

Be aware that international shipping is quite expensive and the package can take up to eight weeks to arrive.


In an effort to reduce the amount of waste I produce, I often re-use boxes from previous shipments. I only use containers that seem sturdy enough to withstand travel and bad weather, and I never use misshapen packages. Some labels may be left over, or the boxes may be marked with miscellaneous notations.

If your package arrives looking like someone kicked it into your yard, contact your post office.


Returns are generally not accepted. If the item is damaged in transit, file a claim with your post office and let me know!

Exchanges can be done on small items such as jewelry. The buyer pays return shipping.

Circumstances vary.