Lapis Lapin
Digital Painting
Despite their nature, I’ve always thought of rabbits as pure creatures.
A wild rabbit’s life is fraught with danger and though they are clever, they are extremely fragile creatures. They must be protected by someone who can ensure their safety,
A good owner will know that rabbits are very expressive with their joy. A rabbit that’s truly relaxed is one of the most peaceful things in the world. They can be stubbornly affectionate and their adorable selves are generally just a joy to look at.
Despite being fragile and eaten by almost everything, they survive and even thrive. In many areas (Alaska included), there is a boom-bust cycle that spans about every seven years where the rabbit population will skyrocket, which feeds an increating predator population like foxes. As the rabbits dwindle, so too do the predators, and they go on in this fashion. Despite being pushed into rarity some years, they always come back.