2021 List of BJD Companies
Ball-Jointed Dolls are incredible pieces of artwork. The epitome of large-scale toy/doll collecting, BJD are often a grail or a goal of doll artists and larger collectors because of their size and realism. Ball-jointed dolls are considered fine art dolls and are often quite expensive.
Traditionally, BJD were cast in porcelain. Standard Ball-jointed dolls produced for customers are cast in resin and strung with elastic. In the early-mid 2000s-2010s, DenofAngels.com was the authority on what qualified as “on-topic” bjds, but some of their definitions have fallen out of date as the market and designs evolve.
So this is an attempt to consolidate an updated list of companies and artists as of 2021. I will also start with a list of dealers in the US and Europe who help customers get their hands on BJDs that may not be readily available. If you’re an experienced collector or just want to browse on your own,
The listed BJDs are mostly ABJD, or Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. Most BJD are created in Asia, so expect long waiting times for shipment if you’re buying direct :)
Company : Doll Leaves Model: Lan
Alice’s Collections (ACBJD) - http://www.acbjd.com/ - One stop doll mall for quality accessories. They also deal for a handful of companies.
BJDIVAS - https://bjdivas.com/ - My favorite dealer! BJDivas is USA based dealer who offers up to 12 months layaway on doll purchases.
DenverDoll Emporium - https://www.denverdoll.com/ - Has a physical shop in Denver, Colorado.
Junkyspot - https://store.junkyspot.com/ - A US based online store that deals in most basic doll companies
Clover-Singing - http://www.clover-singing.com/ - Also has an eBay store. Deals in BJD and can negotiate layaways.
Angelesque - https://www.angelesquedolls.com/ - Online dealer for a handful of bjd companies, one stop doll mall.
DOLKUS - https://dolkus.com/ - All in one doll mall, deals in a handful of companies.
MEOWBJD - https://meowmarts.com/ - A USA based dealer for Taiwanese BJD goods and BJD artists. Sells high quality outfits and runs preorders and group orders for artisan BJD products.
Nine9Style - http://nine9style.com/ - A great place to get clothes and accessories. Nine9 also deals for a handful of Korean companies.
Legend Doll - http://legenddoll.net/ - Another one-stop doll mall, Legend Doll models pose great and have a lot of anatomical detail. Also a maker of excellent articulated hands.
This list contains generally affordable BJDs (under $400 for 1/4, under $600 for 1/3 scale). These are good, solid dolls to start with or to add to your collection. These are also great choices if you need bodies for floating heads.
Resinsoul/Bobobie - http://resinsoul.com/ - One of my favorite companies. Seven years into collecting I still go back and buy from them. Resinsoul has the widest variety of resin colors and can take custom orders, even modifications! their cheapest 1/4 scale doll starts at around $110.
Doll Leaves - http://www.doll-leaves.com/ - A great company for beginner and experienced collectors. Doll Leaves has a wide variety of dolls and bodies available.
5StarDoll - https://5stardoll.com/ - A favorite starter company, 5StarDoll makes 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 dolls at some of the lowest prices on the market. Their doll quality is great, their 1/3 and fantasy dolls are common beginner purchases!
Impldoll - http://www.impldoll.com/ - Great price for realistic sculpts, and some unique fantasy sculpts that are really cool
Souldoll - http://www.souldoll.com/ - A great manufacturer of mature sculpts and bodies.
Fantasydoll/Fdoll - http://www.fdoll.com/ - These dolls are low priced and function well. Fdoll also does casting orders for artists.
Blueblood Doll - EBAY - USA based BJD artist who sells BJD as well as accessories.
Mirodoll - https://mirodoll.com/ - Hands down the cheapest BJDs you can get, but posing is a little questionable. Mirodoll bodies are best if you plan to clothe and display your doll most of the time, or as a beginner doll for younger or more inexperienced collectors. Head sculps are very nice and versatile: I do enjoy painting mirodolls!
Hujoo - This company is out of business as of 2021, but some places still sell stock and their dolls come up secondhand for relatively cheap. Hujoo dolls are ABS plastic, so don’t clean them with acetone. These are great if you want an overall cheaper bjd. They are known for anthropomorphic dolls.
Doll Family H- http://www.dollfamily-h.com/ - Non-slim MSD type bodies and excellent posing. DFH has cute sculpts and mature bodies.
Island Doll - http://islanddoll.com/ - Good models and very expressive sculpts.
MaskCat Doll - http://maskcatdoll.com/ - Maskcat dolls are often photo models for wigs; they have very dolly features and can look very different depending on the faceup you give them.
MYou - http://myou-doll.com/en/ - MYou is a relatively new company whose popularity has risen over the past couple of years. Their dolls also have very doll-like features and are great models.
Mystic Kids - http://www.acbjd.com/mystic-kids-c-1140.html - As far as I know, Mystic Kids are only available through dealers. These are popular choices for younger sculpts and collectors who prefer kid dolls.
Raccoon Doll- http://www.raccoondoll.com/en_main.html - One of a handful of companies who have an even offering of male and female dolls. Their prices are great for the amount of posing you get and the maturity of the sculpt.
Withdoll - https://withdoll.com/ - One of my favorite companies! Withdoll makes beautiful mature sculpts in 1/4 and 1/3 scale, and their smaller dolls are some of the best pose-holders I’ve ever seen. Their joint engineering has tight tolerances and you don’t really need to modify the doll to improve posing.
LARISDOLLS - https://www.etsy.com/shop/LARISdolls - A porcelain BJD maker. Porcelain tends to demand a higher price, LARISdolls is available starting under $400.
Sister Fox’s Princesses - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SisterFoxPrincesses - Mature 1/6 scale BJDs, which are fairly rare in the BJD world
D. Luonto - https://www.etsy.com/shop/DLuonto - A polymer clay artist who makes small BJD models. She can do anyanimal and any concept very well. I have a doll from this store and she poses impressively well considering she’s made of polymer clay. D.Luonto is also on instagram!
Higher price BJD companies
These companies are a little higher-end, but tend to have more complex engineering, are run by smaller companies or even individual artists! These dolls tend to have more delicate or detailed features, or require more finishing work to complete to company standard.
If you find dolls from these companies on other sites for cheap, they are likely counterfeit and will probably have quality issues. I do not recommend taking the counterfeits over the genuine articles since there are usually problems with the joints and posing in counterfeits.
** BJD Communities generally do not take counterfeit art dolls well and may target or harrass you for owning a counterfeit. Be careful where you post if you decide to pursue collecting counterfeits. These are known as Recasts, and discussion on them is banned in most BJD groups. **
Art—Bimong (Narin Creative) - http://www.art-bimong.com/ - A Korea-based artist who has some of the most complex engineering available in BJDs. If you don’t mind shelling out a little extra for a really beautiful doll that can pose naturally, Bimong is a must-see.
Rebeldom - https://meowmarts.com/product-category/group-order-only-usa/rebeldom/ - Rebeldom is an individual artist who only has one head available, but it’s a desirable 1/3 sized sculpt. The artist is Taiwan-based and their promo pictures look incredible.
Rumpeldoll - https://www.facebook.com/RumpelDoll - 3D modeler and sculptor of fantasy type dolls like elves!
SomniaCrawler Doll - https://somniacrawler.com/ - 3D modeler and the creator of the Hoodlums line. Currently has an orc doll and has plans for several more. Keep an eye on this company!
Logan Dolls - https://logandolls.com/ - Also @Logan.Dolls on Instagram. Logan is a USA based bjd artist who digitally sculpts their designs. The result is very tight, delicate details in the face that give the sculpt a lot of life and personality when painted.
PidginDoll - https://www.pidgindoll.com/ - US based artist! The owner is a fashion designer and fine artist and offers fine art prints as well as custom dolls. They are created and customized in small batches.
Bo Bergemann https://bobergemann.com/ - Another US based doll artist. Bo lives in Oahu, Hawaii and creates original resin BJD. She owns a physical shop that’s full of her work, and they have a uniquely sweet quality to them.
Dollits - https://www.dollits.net/ - Another Korean doll company and another posing favorite of mine. Their doll bodies are beautifully engineered with aesthetic and mechanical balance, and their face sculpts are gorgeous to boot.
Iplehouse - https://iplehouse.com/ - Some of the most beautiful mature BJD sculpts on the market! This company has been around for a long time and consistently produces beautiful dolls. They do not sell heads or bodies separately. Their posing is questionable; the dolls are beautifu and can achieve basic poses, but have unusual joint mechanics that are a little hit or miss.
Fairyland - https://dollfairyland.com/ Hands down the most popular BJD company in existence. They release dolls often and have bodies that are a great balance between engineering and aesthetic. Fairyland is also one of the best fantasy doll makers; they have centaurs and faun dolls among other things. **THIS COMPANY IS ALSO THE MOST COMMONLY COUNTERFEITED
Cuartos - https://www.cuartosdolls.com/ - Have you ever wanted a dog-sized toy dragon that can curl up like a real pet? Have you ever wanted an articulated wolf the size of a large housecat? If you have the money, they have the goods. I’m not joking.
Dollmore - http://www.dollmore.com/ - A classic BJD company that makes fashion sized (1/6-1/4) BJD. They have the distinction of offering one of only a handful of 1/2 scale BJD sculpts. These are about the size of a small child!!
Elleodolls- http://elleodolls.com/ - A variety of beautifully designed, accurately articulated animals and anthropomorphic creatures. If your doll needs a pet to match, this is a great place.
Eve Studio Dolls - https://dolls.evethecat.com/ - Another excellent designer of articulated animals. Worth checking out if you like animals and pets.
Peachy Daydreams BJD - https://www.peachdaydreams.com/ - A digital designer and sculptor, creator of an ADORABLE line of anthro dinosaur dolls.
Dollzone/ Doll Chateau - http://www.doll-zone.com/test/ and http://www.doll-chateau.com/ - These are sister companies. Dollzone is more humanoid and standard, Doll Chateau is their line of fantasy and horror type dolls. These dolls pose extremely well and show up often in BJD discussions.
Dream Valley - Denverdoll Link - I can’t find the site but I’ll update when I do. Dream Valley makes very interesting and stylized fantasy dolls.
Dollshe/Fifth Motif - https://www.dollshecraft.com/ - A WARNING ABOUT THIS COMPANY: They are currently at a TWO YEAR waiting period for their dolls. Their models are BEAUTIFUL and depending on your taste the wait can be totally worth it. They’ve been slow for a while but COVID-19 reduced their capacity further. Just be aware of this if you order; you may be better off trying to find one pre-owned.
Loong Soul - http://ls-doll.com/en/ - Makes Asian-style BJD (yes, there is a distinction!). Their bodies pose extremely well. They also make a wide variety of Chinese costumes for all sizes of doll.
LUTS - http://eluts.com/ - Another classic BJD company that’s been around forever. Luts has a great balance of aesthetics and engineering, their 1/3 scale bodies pose very, very well. They have mature and kid lines.
Ringdoll - https://www.ringdoll.com/ - A company that produces asian-style BJD, their photos often come up in cursory searches for BJD photos. They are a company that excels at stylized realism.
Immortality of Soul (IoS) - https://www.dollios.com/ - Makes a line of human and fantasy dolls. These are some of the most beautiful dolls available on the market, driving home the stylized realism that makes BJD appealing in the first place. Uniquely, they have a line of skull heads for their 1/3 scale line.
There are many more companies that exist, keep browsing around! There’s a perfect mode for you somewhere out there, and many artists who will take custom orders if you ask :)